Operation Underground Railroad:
CharityRx is proud and honored to announce that they will be joining forces with Operation Underground Railroad as the company’s Charity of Choice for March and April 2022.
Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) is a nonprofit organization that is leading the way in rescuing victims of human and sex trafficking. Their mission: “To shine a light worldwide on the global epidemic of child sex trafficking, and in so doing rescue more children from slavery and assist law enforcement to seek justice for those who violate children. While our focus remains on children, we assist survivors of all ages to bring them safety and healing. We place survivors on a path of recovery by partnering with vetted aftercare providers and/or placing them with families.”
In 2016, an estimated 40.3 million people worldwide were held captive in modern-day slavery. That number has continued to grow substantially. In collaboration with O.U.R., the goal of CharityRx over the next two months is to give hope and help raise awareness of this disturbing epidemic by utilizing the voices of their nationwide sales team to educate pharmacy professionals and empower them to enact change. The CharityRx sales team will provide resources and tools to teach these professionals how to recognize the signs of trafficking while on the job, as well as involve them in raising donations through the Monthly Charity Donation Program that directly combats humans being trafficked.
On a national call held on Monday, February 28, 2022, CharityRx CEO Eric Beaumont said, “Each month we have the privilege of giving our time, energy, and money to a different worthy charity. I’m beyond excited today to announce our joining with Operation Underground Railroad because this cause is in perfect alignment with who we are at CharityRx.”
We Can and Will Make a Change to End Human Trafficking
During March and April, every prescription that is filled using the CharityRx prescription discount card will add one donation into a large pool of funds that will be donated to help financially support the five pillars of O.U.R.
These five pillars are:
The expansive CharityRx sales team will share this cause through thousands and thousands of verbal exchanges inside pharmacies across the nation. Their hope is to create an impactful change by sharing educational tools specific to the healthcare industry, donating funds directly to O.U.R., and tapping into the resources O.U.R. uses to spread the word and educate others. CharityRx strongly believes “You and I can help put an end to human trafficking,” said CEO Eric Beaumont.
We encourage you to learn more about how you can help by taking an online course on human trafficking and following Operation Underground Railroad on their social media platforms.
Share this free online training course geared towards the general public (below) with your friends and family to bring awareness to the cause and give educational information on human trafficking.
Receive free online training to identify signs of human trafficking and what you can do to join the fight.
Use the CharityRx Prescription Discount Card.
Every script will donate to Operation Underground Railroad and help save trafficking victims.
Educate yourself on fighting
human trafficking.
Take online courses and learn how to identify and report signs of trafficking.