Mary Tockstein, Matt Noel, Lynee Halbasch, Ray Rios, Patty Engel, Patty Riviera, CEO Eric Beaumont, and VP Dustin Arnold with their friends and families gathered on Founder’s Day to clean up a section of Ventura Beach in California.
CharityRx rep Mary Tockstein said, “Today is Founder’s Day for CharityRx, and all the reps across the country went out for a day of service. We had five reps from California, the CEO of the company, Eric, and Dustin, the VP of sales, plus family and friends join us for a beach cleanup. We collected over 80 pounds of trash and had so much fun doing it! My wonderful husband took care of barbecuing a great lunch for all afterwards. I am so happy to work for a company that is in the business of helping others in so many ways, and working with the BEST TEAM!!”
“I am so happy to work for a company that is in the business of helping others in so many ways, and working with the BEST TEAM!!”
Mary Tockstein
“Matt and I went down to Ventura to meet up with a group from CharityRx. About 20 of us walked the beach and parking areas, picking up any and all trash. We collected over 80 pounds of trash when all was said and done! You could visibly see the side we worked [was cleaner] versus the other side of the beach that we didn’t. We made an amazing impact on the quality of the area, and also made it much safer for humans and animals,” said Patty Engel, a CharityRx rep.